Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Here is my review of Fast Five.

First of all when I saw the trailer for this I thought "Do we really need another Fast and Furious Sequel?" Answer at the end of the review. Secondly I would normally wait for something like this to come out on DVD or on demand to watch but I scored some free movie passes at work for something or other so armed with one of the passes and a three dollar refreshment stand voucher it was off to the Marcus complex I went.

Okay here is the deal Dom and Brian find themselves in Rio and piss off not only a really nasty drug dealer but a US federal agent played by the Rock aka Dewayne Johnson. Somehow Dom gets almost the entire FF1 crew back together to take down the drug dealer.

Things start getting entertaining now. Car chases, automatic weapons, hot chicks, a bumping sound track featuring a lot of Latin American rap. A pretty good heist film so in answer to my question about needing this film to be made I would say yes. Now if only somehow the second thru fourth ones could just vanish from my memory.

If you see the movie make sure you sit through all the closing credits. There is a big payoff at the end.

Go Bulls!

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