Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The 6:00 AM Management Team Meeting.

Like most companies mine is big on meetings. The unofficial policy is if you aren't involved in at least four meetings a day we may not really need you. The meetings aren't necessarily about strategic planning, operational issues, or budget issues mind you. We will meet about what kind of food to provide for the upcoming Spring Fling, employee appreciation day, harvest fest and of course the holiday luncheon. Don't even think about calling it a Christmas Party okay?

My favorite meeting is the monthly management team meeting. This is a worthwhile meeting as we discuss everything germane to the companies IT mission except menu offerings.

A little history. When I first moved here to Americas Dairyland I was the night shift computer operations supervisor. My hours were horrible. Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 PM to 7:30 AM. The Management Team Meeting was the first or second Wednesday of the month at 2 PM. This meant I hurried home to the man cave got about four hours sleep, came back to the office attended the meeting and worked until 1:00 AM.
Real good for the old body clock. Ultimately the time got pushed back to 7:00 AM and life was good. I'd go to the meeting, be home around 10:00 and had little interruption to my usual routine such as it was.

Fast forward to my getting off the night shift. This was accomplished by:
A) a lot of whining on my part
B) a guy going on LTD
C) another guy crawling into the bottle so far senior management couldn't look the other way and told him to hit the road. He was offered EAP but refused so don't feel too bad for him.

So now I am managing computer and network operations and life is good. I started working for a new VP and Director last month. Both good guys. The directors son reports to me indirectly so I'm hoping that doesn't bite me in the ass at some point. I doubt it,  he is a good kid.

Anyhow all of a sudden the 7:00 AM Management Team Meeting has been changed to 6:00 AM. This is why I had to get up at 4:00 in the freaking morning today.

Just thought you'd want to know.

Peace/out Girl Scouts.

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