Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Not me, the movie. Here is my review.
A guy(Kenny Waters) is convicted of murder and is sent to the old gray bar hotel. Life without parole for Kenny. His publlic defenders have exhausted all his chances of appeal. His sister played by Hilary Swank(Betty Anne Waters) becomes a lawyer to get his conviction overturned. I won't spoil it for you by giving you the ending. The movie is based on a true story so the more astute of you probably know the result anywho. Actually the fact that you read my stuff makes you astute to begin with. Anyway I digress.
Like I said the movie is based on facts and it takes place in Massachusets. Consequently Hilary is given a pretty bad New England accent. Also or too if you will at one point she has her hand up a dead chicken. They plained up Hilary in this movie but it's a good almost great flick. Hilary Swank was nominated for a SAG award for Convicted. It also got a bunch of snooty awards that I'm not familiar with so you figure it has to be good right? Watch it if you already haven't.
Be ready to be choked up a few times towards the end.
Here is a picture of Hilary not from the movie. You're welcome.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm Jack Abramoff and I work out every day

Kevin Spacey plays real life lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Old Jack rips off Indians for millions of dollars while at the same time getting a bunch of laws passed for them in Washington so they can have casinos.Well Jack's caught with his hand in the cookie jar so to speak and does time. He gets out and works for a pizza joint in Baltimore for awhile. Jon Lovitz has a role in this and is hysterical. Kelly Preston plays Jacks wife. Yowza! If even a small part of this movie is true(and I believe it is) Holy Crap! Anywho the movie is good and you should see it. I would also suggest that you all stay out of Native American Casinos. You should probably stay out of all casinos. Remember he who gambles lives in shambles.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Well it looks like I am full of crap.

See Monday's post. The Bulls lost last night. The game was there to be won but the Bulls couldn't score. They couldn't hit the ocean from the beach damn it. I blame Oprah. Should have played the game Tuesday we would have kicked there asses to South Beach. Sunday night is a long way away.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Here is my review of Fast Five.

First of all when I saw the trailer for this I thought "Do we really need another Fast and Furious Sequel?" Answer at the end of the review. Secondly I would normally wait for something like this to come out on DVD or on demand to watch but I scored some free movie passes at work for something or other so armed with one of the passes and a three dollar refreshment stand voucher it was off to the Marcus complex I went.

Okay here is the deal Dom and Brian find themselves in Rio and piss off not only a really nasty drug dealer but a US federal agent played by the Rock aka Dewayne Johnson. Somehow Dom gets almost the entire FF1 crew back together to take down the drug dealer.

Things start getting entertaining now. Car chases, automatic weapons, hot chicks, a bumping sound track featuring a lot of Latin American rap. A pretty good heist film so in answer to my question about needing this film to be made I would say yes. Now if only somehow the second thru fourth ones could just vanish from my memory.

If you see the movie make sure you sit through all the closing credits. There is a big payoff at the end.

Go Bulls!

Monday, May 16, 2011

See Red

Well the Bulls took care of the Miami Heat and their bullshit last night 103 - 82. I know it was just game one but I feel confident. Let us first remember the Bulls swept the season series 3-0, and made the Heat cry. Also or too if you will had the Bulls taken care of the ball a little better in the first half they may have won by 35-40 points. Here's the thing about the Heat. They have 3 good young guys who can do spectacular things if they have an unimpeaded path or look at the basket. If you play defense they fold like a cheap suit. They have no depth period. The Bulls play D and can take the first unit out put in the second team(including the big kid from Turkey) they don't miss a beat. I don't see a sweep here but the Bulls should win in 5 maybe 6.
One more thing Taj Gibson is a beast. I posted on FB earlier that on his second dunk I actually got out of the recliner and shook my middle aged fist in the air. Keep in mind I don't like to leave the recliner too often so read into this what you will. Anywho game 2 is Wednesday because Oprah got a thing at the United Center on Tuesday. You know that Oprah runs things when she can delay a championship playoff game. God bless her.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Not a Norah Jones fan?

Well you should be. I will help you. Follow the directions below.
1) Go to itunes or wherever you buy/steal music from and Download the following:
 a) The entire Come Away With Me album
 b) The entire album The Fall
 c)Sunrise, What Am I  To You, Be Here To Love Me, Creepin In, and The Long Way Home from the Feels Like Home Album
 d)Things You Don't Have To Do from Peter Mailicks The Chill Album
 e) Virginia Moon from the ...Featuring Norah Jones Album

Listen to these tracks over and over for about a week.
2)Then go to Hulu and watch all three of the Norah Jones concerts available there.

3)Then have your cousins hot wife buy you tickets to a live show. You should now be a died in the wool Norah Jones fan and your life will be better for that. If you are not then you have no soul and I feel sorry for you.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Here is my review of The Kings Speech.

An English guy has a problem with stammering. An Australian guy helps him overcome it. The English guy becomes King of England(George VI) because his brother King Edward VIII likes divorced American women, and abdicates. King George makes a helluva speech and the English and the Allies eventually kick the crap out of the Germans in World War II. That's another story for another time. All kidding aside this is a really well made movie. It won an Oscar, and a bunch of other
awards so you don't have to take my word for it.