Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Not me, the movie. Here is my review.
A guy(Kenny Waters) is convicted of murder and is sent to the old gray bar hotel. Life without parole for Kenny. His publlic defenders have exhausted all his chances of appeal. His sister played by Hilary Swank(Betty Anne Waters) becomes a lawyer to get his conviction overturned. I won't spoil it for you by giving you the ending. The movie is based on a true story so the more astute of you probably know the result anywho. Actually the fact that you read my stuff makes you astute to begin with. Anyway I digress.
Like I said the movie is based on facts and it takes place in Massachusets. Consequently Hilary is given a pretty bad New England accent. Also or too if you will at one point she has her hand up a dead chicken. They plained up Hilary in this movie but it's a good almost great flick. Hilary Swank was nominated for a SAG award for Convicted. It also got a bunch of snooty awards that I'm not familiar with so you figure it has to be good right? Watch it if you already haven't.
Be ready to be choked up a few times towards the end.
Here is a picture of Hilary not from the movie. You're welcome.